Interferometer Lenses

Our diffractive test lenses are designed for precision measurement using computer-generated holograms (CGHs) with an integrated Fizeau reference surface. These lenses are particularly well-suited for testing cylinders and spheres with large radii of curvature. Testing of concave and convex surfaces is equally possible and meets the highest quality standards.

Features and Benefits

Cylindric CGH

Diffractive Lenses with Freely Selectable Focal Length

Our diffractive test lenses are suitable for convex and concave surfaces. Regardless of whether you choose a diffractive transmission sphere (DTS) or diffractive transmission cylinder (DTC) test lens, they all have an integrated Fizeau reference surface. We are able to provide focal lengths or F-numbers between f/0.7 and infinity. Our diffractive test lenses are compatible with all standard Bayonet mounts for interferometers.


Compact Measurement Setup with Maximum Test Diameter

Our compact measurement setup offers a maximum test diameter. For convex surfaces, we create the specifically adapted object wave directly behind the diffractive optics to achieve a larger measurement diameter. When testing concave surfaces, there is less interference due to the shorter measuring distances achieved using the diverging diffraction order.

Simple Adjustment

Easy Handling and Optimum Adjustment

Our optical components and systems are designed for easy handling and optimal adjustment. Our goal is to help you achieve the best results as simply, quickly, and cost-effectively as possible. This also applies in particular to the system integration and handling of our test lenses. All diffractive inspection lenses can be equipped with additional auxiliary holograms as an alignment aid and for radius measurement with relative precision of up to 50 ppm.

Convincing to Use

Our test lenses with DTS are particularly suitable for testing spherical surfaces with large radii of curvature. Our cylinder test lenses with DTC are specifically designed for testing cylindrical lenses.


Parameter DTCDTS
Size of bayonet mount 2“ up to 12“ 2“ up to 12“
Max. surface diameter 220 mm220 mm
F/# f/2 f/1.5 – 0.7
Accuracy PV < λ/20 PV < λ/20
Alignment featuresCat-eye beams Cat-eye beams
Fizeau surfaceIntegrated Integrated
Measurement precision adius of curvature5 ⋅10^−55 ⋅10^−5

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Asphere and Free-Form Inspection

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Alignment Holograms

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Interferometer Accessories

Interferometer Accessories

System solutions and measurement technology accessories for computer-generated holograms (CGHs) – optimally tailored to your environment.

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